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Create a Delaware VOCAL Account

Registration* = required

Your password must be at least 8 characters and is case sensitive. Passwords cannot match any of the past 12 passwords and common words and phrases such as “password” are not allowed.


One of the goals of the agencies listed below is to make their services more accessible. In order to meet this goal, these agencies are working together to make their services and programs available to you. Delaware VOCAL is an online "one-stop shop" for re-employment information and assistance. Delaware VOCAL brings together resources that jobseekers can take advantage of all while being able to research job and education opportunities in their desired field. In order to accomplish this goal and better serve you, it is necessary for these agencies to share certain information about you. Please read this form very carefully before signing it.

The following agencies/programs may be sharing the information described below:

  • Department of Labor, Division of Employment and Training
  • Department of Labor, Division of Unemployment Insurance
  • Department of Labor, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Department of Health and Social Services, Division of the Visually Impaired
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Social Services
  • Department of Health and Social Services, Division of State Service Centers
  • Department of Health and Social Services, Office of Financial Empowerment
  • Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Aging Adults with Physical Disabilities
  • Delaware State Housing Authority
  • Wilmington Job Corps Center
  • Criminal Justice Council
  • APEX Program
  • Department of State, Division of Libraries
  • Delaware Office of Small Business Development

Personal information that may be shared includes your name, address, email and occupation, employment status, veteran status, education status, your need for training or other supportive services and other information related to helping you find a job or advance your career goals.

I understand that these records may be protected under State and Federal law and if so cannot be disclosed without my consent.

I have read this consent for sharing of information or it was read to me. I understand that by selecting "I agree" I am agreeing to the sharing of my information by these agencies listed above. I authorize the sharing of information only to the agencies listed above with the restriction that the information cannot be passed on to any other person or entity.

I understand that I may cancel my consent at any time by delivering a written notice of my cancellation to Department of Labor, Division of Employment and Training. A photo static copy of this consent for sharing of information is considered valid.

Equal Opportunity Employer/Program

Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request for individuals with disabilities.

Do you agree to share your information as described above? *
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